Melbourne: When you get out of Melbourne, the capital of the Australian state of Victoria, you can see a twenty-meter high rectangular building on the side of the highway with HOTEL written in large English letters on its front.
Looking at the size of the building, travelers passing by the motorway get the impression that the hotel will have several dozen rooms, but you will be surprised to know that it is not possible to get a room to stay in this hotel!
The full name of this hotel is "Hotel East Link" which was completed in 2007. From that time, travelers who want to stay in the hotel stop near the building and then after a while, they get back into their cars and leave again, surprised and worried. The reason is that the "Hotel Eastlink" is not actually a hotel but a piece of art designed and built by artist Callum Morton
While passing by the motorway in the cars, the passenger building and the name written on it can be understood as Crosse Hotel. At night, some of the windows of the building are lit, which gives the impression that these rooms are inhabited, but there is no end room in the building, because the building is simply a work of art. This building appears to be a hotel, but after a little consideration, they can realize that the structure of this building, especially the ground floor, is not that of a hotel. Then the question would arise in their minds as to why this building is standing in the desert where there is no other building nearby.
The reality of the building is revealed to the travelers who visit this hotel either out of curiosity or indeed for the purpose of staying.
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